DO ASTROLOGERS DESERVE to Comedy Roasted? EXPANDED (Updated w/ Robert & My chart) Yeah THEY DO! Matthew 7:1 - 5


re: 5-28-24 -- Bleeding Beyond The Border






 There's a difference between an unproductive Comedy Roast and a real necessary catharsis comic relief valve from competitive agitation: 


 This is a mutual very productive  Comedy Roast between 2 sun Scorpios. Peter Cook & John Cleese +  Even if both, or either 1 of  them truly hated each other, it's a clever sketch and a clever way for anger management

 This Hunter Jackson hated David Brockie and most of GWAR IRL but he did the more honorable thing, rather than do something criminally violent,   and put his anger to good comical entertainment drama:

 Toilet Snorkel link


5/28/2024 RE-EDITTED THIS AFTERNOON "5-28-24 -- Bleeding Beyond The Border on Robert Phoenix's 15 minutes of flame show I had my little chatroom disputes w/ Robert Phoenix this morning. re: Within the past week Robert Phoenix said he doesn't like celebrity Comedy Roasts. WHO CAN DENY THE WAY George Takei telling William Shatner, as finality to Bill's Roast: "I can finally say what I've waited over 40 years to say "Fuck you and the Horse YOU ROAD IN ON!"  

That regardless what George Takei's motivations were. THAT Was Fucking HILARIOUS?! I'm no fan of George Takei's personal life at all, but the way George Takei came out of the woodwork with all these tensions was fucking funny. Star Trek is a goofy show. Seeing the latent competitive agitations between coworker celebrities is funny.   I think I should also add it should be obvious George Takei was under some level of imposition as a sidekick subserviant character and a minority who experienced the trauma of Racist concentration camps during world War 2.   Why shouldn't be a brewing tension that needs a public comic release?

Some of the highlights of the chat this morning: Public Astrology musers, especially, deserve a certain amount of respecting, endearing comedy roast BUT that is NEVERTHELESS "uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks" (landmark 1964 case NY times vs. Sullivan) Public Astrologers ask to be made fun of from a million miles away from other Astrologer researchers especially, with similar enough sign & house placements.

WHY? Robert asks. WHY THE FUCK NOT? IT'S a very simple based ethical principle. What you dish out in judgement of others comes around with the same standards. COMMERCIAL Astrologers make certain statements bordering judgemental in CRITIQUE OF OTHERS! DUH! It's a very simple biblical Ethical principle that Jesus Christ Warns us about" Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. "

Personally, I am born 9-15-1971 12 noon while Robert Phoenix is born 9-22-1960 ~ 11:55 Verdun France. My Pluto in Virgo is nearly exactly on Robert Phoenix's sun. We're both 10th house Virgo suns with Jupiter in the 1st House, Scorpio Risings or Ascendents. I think it's fair to say those placements are some area of astrological research to say We're not people who hide much about our personal lives. Words alone can't describe the demented bizarre respectful fascination I have with certain people that's not intended as jealousy, at least not cruel jealousy, nor obsession, but rather as that of an apprentice & apt pupil who has talents towards a journeyman who refined similar talents, with pure analytical curiosity to investigate the best the apprentice (me) possibly can, because journeyman public figures who make interesting critiques of world events, with common interests are fascinating! And so there are people in the world I kind of like, find myself fluctuating between fawning for validation, while they are at the same time disappointing upon revealing some differences. It's not really jealousy, but there's a certain amount of competitive agitation comic relief valve that's acceptable and necessary. You can see it in nature. Who hasn't observed kitten siblings play rough with each other? IT IS necessary for those cats to survive and grow up and be proficient hunters who can defend themselves. They do it instinctual. And SO if anyone in Robert Phoenix's audience or Robert himself is reading this convinced I'm the bad guy cares to chime in. 
 Go right the fuck ahead and hand my ass to me if you think that's what you can do. BRING IT!

It was awesome comparing & contrasting Robert Phoenix with Sleazy P. Martini (a.ka. Don Drakulich) (born 17 days after Robert.) LOL. I suspect, but have no absolute proof, they're 2 different bizarre arch rival sons of Fed spooks from the principle 2 Arch Rival alphabet agencies in the USA.. 
Sleazy P. Martini openly admits his Dad was CIA spook, whereas Robert kind of hints the plausibility his Dad was a Navy ONI guy by what I remember him saying in a lot of his shows that his Dad was in the Navy, maybe a Navy Seals?  but I could be wrong. 
Just in case he is a  limited hangout old lifetime actor military brat or even if he's not , it's fair game for those of us who know shoptalk of astrology,   BUT NOT under such imposition  of a customer base, without  some kind of life coach's  (which includes commercial astrologers') clientele /  customers  to lampoon tactfully those MORE  "business oriented" undoubtably pressured to a appeal to sycophant customer base or sycophant target audience.   

 , ran by his moderator "Thor at the door"  WHORE AT THE DOOR ?  CENSOR'S cuss words.  LIKE 7 dirty words
sketch ( "shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker,
"motherfucker", and "tits")        TheY get posted as blanks in the chatroom.  
I think it's fair to say that's indickative of a bitch simp for a target demographic of little old pearl clutching little  old ladies TO SOME degree, but THAT'S OKAY !  
My hats off to him for whatever pays his rent that's not harming anyone!   

To some degree I routinely watch his show to LEARN how to communicate better and more tactfully with women.  There's certain humility

THAT SAID, on the other hand,

AND SO when Robert started rolling on silly about something about him being above "LOW BROW HUMOR"  what could be more fantastically brilliantly IRONIC as FUCK as Sleazy P. Martini (a tall lanky fellow whose VERY LIKER taller than Robert Phoenix) (both at least 6' 1" +  if I'm not mistaken)
Maybe I'm wrong, judgemental as fuck and a belligerent little punk with too much time on my hands?    Maybe THIS is  my way of finding a better thing to rather than worse things ! that would otherwise do? SO fucking what? It's just another morning musing at the internet as time moves on WAY too Quickly in this short life. MORE CHAT COMMENTS re-editted:Why deny certain Leo Uranus placements, especially w/ both Robert, Sleazy P. Martini 10/9/1960 & David Serada ~ 8/22/1961 , sometimes have this 
  Tesla charged BEAVIS HUBRIS hair heads? LOL LOL LMAO !


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