Showing posts from August, 2017
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I discovered this CHANNEL: 4:35 "AND SO but EVERYWHERE YOU GO, EVERYWHERE i've been there's always these Narcomentors or NarcoElders uhhh . .. these, these socialite psychopaths of Narcissists presenting themselves in this very duplicitous hypocritical, just fiercely hypocritical ways. UH Especially a lot of the therapists that I've had, a lot of the uhh uhh professors I've had, they're always there uhh you know Bandstanding on their soap box or at their dictator podiuma screeching and howling about uhh how how important uhh it is to be a mature person. While they themselves do not really believe in what they SAY. uhh and you go back and uhh . . look at a Celebrity example like the Bill Cosby Example.
REGULUS & more thoughts Eclipse & Aquarius / Leo Ketu Rahu axis
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- Other Apps "The barking of dogs is loud on every side: Where is the lion of the forest of Thy might, O Chastiser of the worlds?" More thoughts on the Leo Aquarius Axis, especially for generation X'er's born in 1971 with a fair portion of them (Julian Assange, Corey Feldman .. . .and others with MARS conjunct Rahu. BOTH AQUARIUS AND LEO in a good way can be about Respect, dignity, altruism, courage, and love. LEO is SELF RESPECT, highly dignified, awesome, stealthy, everything the Lion is . . . Fierce. . . proud, and damn proud. . . and damn full of a heart. AQUARIUS is Respect for OTHERS, GREAT empathy for the odd, the eccentric, the raging Underdog, (I can't think of better examples of Aquarius eccentricity and appeal for the struggling massses then both Oprah Winfrey and Alex Jones. LEO is the exxtreme LION LIKE THING the extreme LI...
Western Astrology vs Vedic Astrology. Astrology FAQ by Nadiya Shah
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01-18-1971 1-9-1971 update A NEWLY DISCOVERED VIDEO THAT STATES MORE accurately The final video that cracked Frater Xavier's Natal Chart
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PLUTO IS NOW TRANSITTING FRATER XAVIERS NATAL SUN Pluto on the Angles (about 29.5 Virgo in Fraters Chart in either 7th or 6th House) AFTER He had admitted to Saturn in Taurus & Mars in Scorpio. "Off the Cuff" Mercury Sagittarius opposing moon in Gemini. IF HE'S NOT FULL OF SHIT "MY ASCENDANT IS IN PISCES" A.C. 08:43
Leo&Virgo Horoscopes of Robert Crumb, John Zerzan & other 1943 Celebrities.
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Best Astrology Software Free Software Foundation approved
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