Hindu/Vedic/Jyotish Pantheon Mythology musings
A Humongous List of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and Their Powers https://spiritualray.com/list-of-hindu-gods-goddesses-their-powers https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/idolatry/ extreme pilgrim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV7P533M3D0&t=1510s Extreme Pilgrim - India: The River Parminder Singh Pluto is not even counted as planet anymore, so would uranus and neptune in future as they are result of nasa fairy tale 1 Hide or report this Like · Reply · 4w Stephen Cosmos Arthur Parminder Singh Singh sounds Sikh. Sikhs like you should've invented a spaceship by now to go confirm that's false. You all make such good truck drivers hauling tractor trailers long hours across North America. Space Travel should be fun for you. There was a full featured Star Trek movie about a Sikh dude from outerspace, and the actor was Mexican. Time to launch...