
Showing posts from December, 2020

Wildlife of the Zodiac revisited (Across the Cardinal and Fixed (midSummer & midWinter Axis) Revisited

 LEO & CAPRICORN:        These Snow Leopards are Unbelievably Acrobatic and Resilient beyond imagination. #WildFilmsIndia #WildernessFilmsIndia #BroadcastStockFootage Snow Leopard of the Himalaya: most magnificent cat 70,669 views •Aug 9, 2019 The animal symbols in astrolology are just that (a symbol and metaphor) , not an absolute, just a metaphor and analogy for forces of nature that represent changes of the season and survival in harsh situations. Goat is the stealthy prey and Lion is the stealthy predator. Neither can exist without the other, but 1 destroys the other to survive. Leo (Fixed Fire) (energy consuming exploding)) "ruling planet" = sun. Capricorn (Cardinal Earth) "ruling planet = Saturn. Finding this video of such an aerodynamic (Fixed Air Aquarius = the fuel for the fire) of this cat (Leo(fixed fire )) culling this goat population is symbolic to me of planets leaving Capricor...

UPDATE 02-23-2021 Head over Heals Heart throb Crushes: revelations of some of the Women I felt most attracted towards in my youth. (Now not so much)

UPDATE THIS POST:   borrowing a Hunter S. Thompson Quote " no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world."       In Sellwood Middle School Portland Oregon Autumn 1984 through 1985 when I had just turned 13 years old, there was such uncertainty and confusion beyond   much of an ability to express anything worth anything to anyone at that age to where that's kind a moment of time so preciously important to build a time machine in my mind to reach out and attain the unattainable to reclaim, heal, restore, and grieve of that primal "boy" starting to become man witnessing a head over heals attractive "girl" starting to become woman that was priceless and precious, absolutely beautifully a highly addictive, sense of mysterious, unknown   phantasm    to...

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction 0.5 Aquarius



Image March 11, 1967    

whose gonna miss Saturn & Jupiter in Capricorn? 17:00 pm 15th December 2020 PST

      ERASERHEAD Lady In The Radiator - In Heaven (from David Lynch's Eraserhead)   Born: Sunday, January 20 , 1946, 3:00 AM In: Missoula (MT) (United States) Sun: 29°45' Capricorn AS: 18°16' Scorpio Moon: 5°09' Virgo MC: 3°15' Virgo Dominants: Capricorn , Virgo , Scorpio Moon , Pluto , Mercury Houses 3 , 10 , 8 / Earth , Water / Cardinal Chinese Astrology:         Saturn & Jupiter in Capricorn 17:00 pm 15th December 2020?   Whose gonna miss Saturn & Jupiter in Capricorn?  And if I have to experience this shit (like the past year and a half  again 30 years from now I hope I drop dead nice and painlessly)

L'astéroïde Psyché 16

  L'astéroïde Psyché 16  Psyché 16 est l'un des dix astéroïdes les plus massifs de la ceinture d'astéroïdes qui a plus de 200 kilomètres de diamètre et contient un peu moins de 1% de la masse de toute la ceinture d'astéroïdes. On pense que c'est le noyau de fer exposé d'une protoplanète. C'est l'astéroïde métallique de type M le plus massif. Psyché a été découvert par l'astronome italien Annibale de Gasparis le 17 mars 1852 de Naples et nommé d'après la figure mythologique grecque Psyché.  La mission Psyché explorera l'une des cibles les plus intrigantes de la ceinture d'astéroïdes principale - un astéroïde géant en métal, connu sous le nom de Psyché 16, environ trois fois plus éloigné du soleil que la Terre. Cet astéroïde mesure environ 200 kilomètres de diamètre et, contrairement à la plupart des autres astéroïdes qui sont des corps rocheux ou glacés, on pense qu'il est compos...

Tom Waites and Iggy Pop

Image  Best sketch in the whole movie! 2 famous eccentric baby boomer musicians (of no particular genre anyone ever pinned anything on) who've always been their own solo act lead singers, never a band. Kind of like 2 lone wolves briefly crossing paths. I wonder if there's ever been a public interaction with em' ever since!       See the photo     Born:    Wednesday, December 7, 1949, 7:25 AM In:    Pomona (CA) (United States)  Sun & AC in Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer  Sun:     15°12' Sagittarius     AS:     23°16' Sagittarius Moon:    8°25' Cancer     MC:     10°25' Libra Dominants:     Sagittarius, Aquarius, Cancer Mercury, Sun, Neptune ...


Image   this should be good with all that Capricorn energy depleted.