Re-visiting Jeffrey Wolf Greene's work Mention for Deva Green daughter of JWG , the official Heiress to "Evolutionary Astrology" "Pluto School)
DISCLAIMER AND RETRACTION FROM SOME of the other posts I wrote curious about her Dad. My issue was with the sycophant commercial astrologers not an attack on the Green family. These people put a lot of deep intellectual delve and heart and soul into this great work. IMO even though I find passionate lectures on the search topics of "pluto school" or "Evolutionary Astrology" its difficult for me to wrap my head around what they're trying to say. I perceive "astrology observations" and similarities in personalities and events usually strongly based on similar placements and events. I don't make predictions but I perceive and look for patterns with history and try and make educated guesses based on those. These people roll and roll and lecture about these finer details of personality changes as entirely a condition how the solar system is geared. That's wh...