Dialogue with an astrology skeptic

I cringe at how the word "planetary ruler" of a zodiac sign is tossed around. Planets don't rule a sign, they either are more pronounced in certain signs or they are less pronounced in others. And another thing, the most pronounced and enhanced planets for each sign were supposedly lost knowledge before the invention of the invention of telescopes that could see the edge of our solar system, and that's kind of b.s. occulted reality too. Pluto is mostly Scorpio, Neptune is mostly Pisces, and of course Uranus is Aquarius. These are Jungian archetypes known about for a very long time, but forgotten.

The planetary assignments are used to show a system. When I say Jupiter Rules Pisces it's because the system puts Jupiter in Pisces. The system uses the mirrored planets along the 3/6 axis to bring that code to life. This isn't about abstract astrological nonsense, this is about showing a systemic code within the zodiac using the planets as a guideline. In the system Pisces is Jupiter, Mars is Scorpio, & Saturn is Aquarius, whatever astrological jargon that was piled onto that later is the result of charlatans. The planets don't give a fuck where they are on the zodiac at any given time, they are too far away to have any real physical effect on us here. That's just horseshit astologers use to keep their jobs.

"they [the planets] are too far away to have any real physical effect on us here. That's just horseshit astologers use to keep their jobs."? While I completely agree that many and probably most commercialized astrologers will often talk as though they know what they're talking about for customer approval and satisfaction (when they really don't). And I also agree that the effects of planets are often unexplainable, that doesn't mean they are not subtle, mysterious, and consistent. You may not directly feel the effects of these planets or give much thought or worry, and that's well within your perception to go about your life perceiving. There's certainly some benefit to disregard certain areas of study as not applicable to your work, but that doesn't discredit others who perceive and testify differently. I personally have studied enough horoscopes of different people with similar planetary positions, examined the events of my life and the transits with my own natal horoscope to make a claim those planets damn well do have an effect on events and behavior of people on planet earth.

The thing is any effect that a person may feel probably has nothing to do with the planets. All that shows is how powerful the mind is. People get conditioned to believe certain things and their minds make it true, a perfect example is Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde is literally an illusion in the sky, Mercury doesn't change it's course at all, it's only our relation to it that changes and people lose their shit every time Mercury goes retro. But, I think that's nonsense and as result, nothing happens to me out of the ordinary when mercury or any other planet goes retro. All that shows is how powerful the mind is and linking that to predictable planetary illusions is a perfect way to begin a con. Now the Sun, Moon and ascendant is a different story, those phenomena do have at least plausible physical relations to us here on earth. But the other planetary aspects can be explained by self-hypnosis or self-delusion. Is it possible I'm wrong? Of course, it is, but without tangible evidence, I'll stay on the skeptics' side of the line.

It sounds like you're describing "confirmational bias". I agree with you and applaud you for reminding me of that factor and problem. That's exactly why I was very reluctant to study astrology most my adult life. I don't know what else to say about what else I've observed astrologically to you now that you reminded me of confirmation bias / or perhaps some sort of "placebo effect" or nobido effect or whatever: except by saying at least we both agree and understand a  truth seeking justice seeking unbiased balanced mind requires intense balancing meditation or mind calming activities to balance our brain into complete pineal gland activiation through activities like Yoga, Zazen, prayer, meditation and intense focus and self discipline. I think you agree with that?



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