
Showing posts from August, 2020

About 16 degrees Scorpio Sun (born November 8th or 9th) born sick fucks

 James DeAngelo born on 8 November 1945   I believe he had Capricorn Moon.   Capricorn Moon/Sun & Scorpio Sun/Moon  combinations seem to be a pattern.  I'm pretty convinced covert pedophile Krampus (elsewhere on this blog) was a Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Sun (along with Hermann Goring, & some more creepy individuals I had the misfortune to discern some serious flaws).   Edwin Learnard:     no stated time of day, but I'm Guessing Scorpio Sun &  Capricorn Moon

Encyclopedia Dramatica 2024 Eclipse

Image 2024 Eclipse Jump to navigation Jump to search On 08 April 2024, a giant Dragon will swoop down from the heavens above to eat the giant fiery hydrogen death ball of infinite cancer . If you follow the much cooler Norse Mythology version, Fenrir Wolf will eat the Sun and quickly shit it out after getting his ass kicked by the Asgardian badass Tyr. Unfortunately, if you're a kowtowing rug jockey your religion won't allow you to go outside and watch this marvel of astronomy with your naked eyes, like you should. Most likely, your Mullah will put out an order and demand that everyone come to the mosque, dressed in their best suicide vest and pray from when the eclipse starts until the giant monster above becomes frightened by your prayers and spits the sun out of his mouth, failing to eat it. We wish we were joking . If you missed out on this one because you we...

08-13-2020 15 Minutes Ov Flame

  robbys lilshadow 10 hours ago (edited) 34:30 The thing that's b.s. is to repeat another version of "big brother" remote viewing total control thought police surveillance technology without proof. So perhaps now the Chinese own these stupid 2 old redcoat s-hole countries (Australia and New Zealand) as payback because the British Empire once owned China through Opium addiction? Australia was a former British penal colony for debtors. I can't help wonder if they're helpless stockholm syndrome casualties from way back. You keep saying "this is what's going to happen" as though you own a crystal ball. As though you know They're gonna totally read...