08-13-2020 15 Minutes Ov Flame

 robbys lilshadow

34:30 The thing that's b.s. is to repeat another version of "big brother" remote viewing total control thought police surveillance technology without proof. So perhaps now the Chinese own these stupid 2 old redcoat s-hole countries (Australia and New Zealand) as payback because the British Empire once owned China through Opium addiction? Australia was a former British penal colony for debtors. I can't help wonder if they're helpless stockholm syndrome casualties from way back. You keep saying "this is what's going to happen" as though you own a crystal ball. As though you know They're gonna totally read our f-ing minds" as though you're personally privy to knowing all these ultra powerful mindF-ing technologies. HOW? WHY? When you run your mouth like that without producing your sources, all you're doing is promoting their fearporn propaganda. ANZAC countries were founded as a British penal colonies. It was white on white slavery and prison labor. They don't care that America saved them from the Japanese in World War 2, because they're now sh--tting on all those principles. They're redcoat monarchists intrinsically while The United States of America fundamentally isn't. How seriously do you expect your audience to take you?
11 hours ago
As the great New Zealand end times preacher, Barry Smith, used to say back in the 70s and 80s, Australia and New Zealand are "new world order" guinea pig countries. The people of these nations are noted for their docility, despite the Aussies' "undisciplined" image cultivated by the diggers (as their troops were known) during both world wars, which was a mere bluff. Their young men were canon fodder for the British army, dying in colonial and other wars around the globe, from the Boer War in South Africa onwards. They obediently ran into the Turkish guns at Gallipoli, even though they knew it was pointless... and certain death. More recent immigrants have arrived in large waves from China, where totalitarianism has been a way of life for generations, and have already been conditioned on arrival to be totally cowed by anyone in a uniform or barking in a megaphone. So, the countries are an ideal experimental ground for the NWO. That's where cashless society measures (eg smart cards) and globalisation of national assets ("privatisation"), dumbing-down diseducation methods (the "look-say" reading method, "modern" maths, etc.) were tried out in the field before being extended to the US, Western Europe and the rest of the world. It's also where the goodie-goodie citizens meekly handed in their guns (which they were unlikely to have used against the authorities anyway, because they were the legally licensed, law-abiding gun owners, not the small criminal fringe). In other words, whatever tyranny you see being trialled in Australia and/or New Zealand (arbitrary mandates such as masks and police brutality to enforce them; bogus medicine by decree such as "vaccines"; neo-con/socialist politics to grease the rails for mega-corporations; and social engineering experiments of all sorts) is coming to a town near you sooner rather than later.

15 Minutes Ov Flame -- China Takeover Of Melbourne, NZ Quarantine Camps, & The US Coup




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