19 Degrees Pisces Neptune Horoscope of Bobby Fischer. Bobby Fischer on Gender Equality in The Chess Community on The Dick Cavett Show


Bobby Fischer - His Last Interview Part 1
3 more parts to that video: 

and many others:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS9n-8bmhV0






Garry Kasparov Visits Bobby Fischer's Grave

Bobby Fischer was slow killed and wrongfully imprisoned by Japanese acting in response to U.S. policy





1-17-20 Sunday Night AstroLive -- Fixed Hard Square Crisis -- The End Of Gov -- Week Ahead 


Bobby Fischer on Johnny Carson



IMO Sabian symbols seems like a joke.  They basically took some lady who just Elsie Wheeler who just said stuff as each 360 degrees of the zodiac were said. 




Robert Phoenix 52:45 19th Degree of Pisces Incredibly profound

 "disciple and the master"

19th Degree of Pisces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roZynA4tzA4&t=3165s






Bobby Fischer on Gender Equality in The Chess Community | The Dick Cavett Show

He reminds me of some1:

Born:Tuesday, March 9, 1943, 2:39 PM 







I realized that my step brother probably has the same Sun & Moon combination as my Uncle (Pisces & Capricorn), for his mad acrobatic bizarre eccentricities, but it might be moon Aquarius too.  I doubt moon Aquarius because he's too stoically determined to get what he wants with indifferent emotional detatchment a lot like my Uncle Dan. 


The dude had potential to be an extremely clever competitive chess player and 1 on 1 basketball player which totally makes sense the way Mars is in the 5th House with Saturn in Gemini.  Also Venus is Earth Trining Jupiter in Capricorn.  The guy had determination to get what he wanted competitively. 







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