MANDELA EFFECT HYPERBOLE GOOFY shitpost Big Pisces Virgo Axis Neptune to Neptune Oppositon TranSit of America Opposing this Sun Virgo's Sun
Mandela Effect? Generation X'ers especially, Which one do you believe you heard first? "Everybody Wants to Run The World" hit my Pandora playlist with this album cover today in 26th of February 2021. When (in the USA and I'm guessing the UK & elsewhere in the English world) "Everybody Wants to Rule The World" is what hit the mainstream popular FM radio and was played a lot in 1986 (not likely ever in 1985). If you're like me and suspect there's been some kind of time travellers or some extra-dimensional paralell universe overlap from people messing with the timeline, Could you please respond and tell me what is going on? If you think this is all hogwash, please respond so I know I'm not dreaming, because around 1986 would be a good place to do a lot of repair of my past if I c...