7-2-21 Friday FARcast -- The Progressed US Chart With Mark Metheny


1967 Sun Pisces re-visited:  https://astrologyobservations.blogspot.com/2020/12/sun-pisces-1967-david-anthony-durham.html


7-2-21 Friday FARcast -- The Progressed US Chart With Mark Metheny



On today's FAR, I'll be joined by Mark Metheny as we look at the progressed US chart and what is likely in store for the country, it's people and let's face it, the world.

Broadcasted 7/2/21 10:00am - 7/2/21 12:26pm





 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Cantrell Jerry Fulton Cantrell Jr. (born March 18, 1966)



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