UPDATE 12/28/2023 Jewel Mayberry's Horoscope (a commercial astrologer who previously didn't openly reveal anywhere I knew until now)
12-29-2023 UPDATE This lady "JEWELL"
is an interesting perplexing person. I DOUBT she is My type enough for an intimate relationship, but she has got me curious. To be perfectly honest, she kind of scares me with bizarre AWE, but she doesn't hold a candle to the real Alpha godmother Ginger Queen in my Heart in Heaven, the Last Great Loyal Great GrandDaughter in Law of Baha'u'llah, but neither can I nor anyone I know. So I'm not like the other simps preening and love bombing she probably may have already encountered at some point in her life. What could prepare her for this kind of guy having realized this weird, but definite sense for a surrogate mother and surrogate Grandmother I witnessed on Earth and in Heaven who has helped through a lot of shadow work, protecting me and shielding abuse & wrong a lot of witchy women did to me and still want to do to me.
Jewel publicly revealed somethings recently that take an interesting twist on how I perceive her.
she wrote:
"NO Mars/ Saturn hard aspects (if you have not worked on your shame
issues you are likely sadistic, a woman hater and suffer from a case of
fickle D.)"
As far as I know a trine is not a hard aspect, but think this Mars conjuNction with the North Node in the 3rd kind of shows how I have A hard-on.
Here's my base of my Grand Air trine with Saturn in the 7th 6degrees Gemini, & Uranus 11th 12 degrees Libra.
AS an odd synchronicity earlier today 12/28/29, before I happened upon the new information about Jewel, I crafted this bizarre Alfred E. Newman caricature (DnD Fiend folio https://archive.org/details/tsr02012fiendfolio/page/n61/mode/2up 1981 "Lava Child) alluding to receiving oral sex from Wendy (the icon pig tailed woman in the hamburger chain).
I wonder if Jewell finds this cute
And as indescribably ironic as fuck I discover more information revealed by Jewel today about her idea of compatibility synastry, kind of turning me on at her feisty personality.
I'm not going to reveal which site I found her information and why she posted it for certain public people, I'll just say, even though I still feel like she drives a hard bargain of hubris and tough boundaries, THEY ARE SPECIFIED passionately with much serious thought and honesty! Words can't describe how abusive it is without that kind of honesty.
I do respect JEWELL as a fellow human being, far from any of my residual ginger lady TROPHY chase LUST and ALL THOSE FABLED DRAPES MATCHING THAT FABLED bushy red Carpet!
I really don't objectify her. I think there's a very humanitarian sweet side beautiful side to her, despite of that defensive angry posture.
If in the Bizarre Intensely remote possibility I was to be compatible with "
was to work out between her and I, I think we'd have to do some passionate physical dance and yoga before anything intimate would ever happen. She'd have to really PERCEIVE and foster something remarkably good about me that's never been adaquetly respected.
She is obviously a vehement relentless and restlessly intellectually astute astrologer who damn well expresses what she wants and her boundaries pretty thoroughly and restlessly, given some thought . (I can't overstate how that's impressive to me).
She identifies as a "contemplative introvert" which is kind of an odd thing to say from a public youtube astrologer
52.4K subscribers +But on the other hand I can't be a commercial astrologer much myself and have critiqued her in her methods that are not my own that I remain skeptical about.
It is a a compatibility plus to really find someone else as intellectually curious about Astrology and Occult and really determined to not take things at face value.
It would be very interesting to me to KNOW if I make any kind of Positive or Negative IMPRESSION ON JEWEL NOW and what she has to say or write about me!
IS she an empathic Angel that can sympathize with short men 5'6" who are child abuse survivors, as a not-so damn NBA basketball height woman herself, sympathetic to common short-people erratic electric energy?
God only knows. I can't worry about her. She could very well just gloss over my meager attempts to make a name for myself as despicably pathetic and she wouldn't be the first.
To be Quite HONEST JEWELL SOUNDS to me like she's GROWLING like a pissed off Cat IN SOME OF HER TONES IN SOME OF HER VIDEOS. And I've heard my own self sound the same way and I can't blame her as weariness and stress takes its toll.
oh words can't describe how SUN LEO people in particular, on the 1 hand come across as sounding like the most arrogant CONCEITED fucking people ever, and How something about how my own LEO MOON resonates with their BEAUTIFUL FIERCE PRIDE, passionate and powerful SELF RESPECT, and
Synastry Aspects- Sun conjunct partner's Pluto
Jewel Mayberry's Horoscope (a commercial astrologer who doesn't reveal it on her website). Born about 10 days after Mark Passio. I'm just going by the place location and her name in the search engine results. I'm sure her she'd probably give her clients the more detailed information.
Here, here, here : The Ginger Leo with her full Dark Scorpio Moon S&M Dominatrix attire talks about Woman with Sun in Leo
Synastry Astrology - Sun in partners 10th house. Here here's my calibration with Jewel. Her Sun is Exactly on my mid-heaven within a degree into my 10th house! While I have Sun in Virgo in the 10th House! In all honestly
thank God I don't interact with her and am not going to take her too seriously, but she is curious.
I'm pretty convinced she's a last degree of Leo with a Scorpio Moon. Words can't describe the kind of heebee jeebees when I meet some poignant Scorpio Moon individual for the for first time.
She's also an equal house or whole sign house astrology nutter, which I totally denounce.
So I guess that means according to her, regardles if you have your A.C. at either degree 0 or 29.999 in a sign your entire 1st house of that chart is that sign, and then 2nd house starts in the next sign? and so on and so forth in nice equal 12 30 degree partitions along the Solar ecliptic. I think that's total Bullshit. Start of 1st = A.C., 7th = D.C. 4th = I.C. & 10th = M.C. or don't expect me to respect you.
I don't know much about her personally. I was a bit repulsed by this lady from the get as far as surface impressions. Her tone of conviction sounds to me like nails on a chalk board the moment I hear her voice in anyone of her videos, but that's always kind of a good thing because its always way better for me to really feel immediately repulsed by someone with blatant sanctimonious hubris (like I'm inclined to sound like if I were to prattle), than having some deluded attraction to a ridiculous sweet soft polyanna pleasant tone only to discover belatedly they're someone else.
Fortunately I can separate first impressions away shop talk on a subject of common interest:
She has Mercury about exactly conjunct my Mercury and the restless thoroughness of trying to explain every aspect interaction is quite impressive, but is that really just to get the best youtube results?
Someone wanted her to succeed.
She's said some pretty damn accurate things about aspects of some people I've interacted with, but like all commercial astrologers there's a certain amount of them banking on what others want to hear.
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