8-19-2024 UPDATE No one needs any permission to Critique a public Astrologer or any Public Figure

UPDATE RE-EDITTED  8-19-2024   In defense of Robert Phoenix, He works hard, consistently and steadily produces A LOT of shows (at least 5 a week). He has multiple interviews with diverse guests, obviously attracting a lot of clientele, juggling a lot of responsibilities, with routine dedication and discipline beyond anything I can do. Obviously I am skeptical.  Sometimes that can lead to burn out and nitpick some areas where we disagree, but that doesn't mean I am not in awe at some talents beyond mine and some astrological patterns brought to my attention by Robert that hit it on the nail to me where we're going. He's a good person.    I was taking Robert Phoenix too seriously and a bit too interested or enthused in what he had to say for my own good, and had to take a brake from watching his shows.  I still respect him.   8-2-2024 Mercury is now transitting my Natal Mercury (which is T SQUARED BETWEEN Saturn in the 7th & Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in the 1st . 1 of the reasons why I post lots of blogs, rather than host a podcast or a routine bunch of youtube & rumble videos is because I kind of agree with the saying "words have consequences"  Something WRITTEN erratically stupid "shooting from the hip" is a little less consequential than SAYING it vehemently stupidly if it's badly delivered. I'm not sure where Robert Phoenix is going with this one, but no one needs to ask permissions from someone whose made themselves a public figure to critique them. And the kind of person that does that just might have a bit of a background being an overrated beta cuck White Knight fucking tool.   Such person can seriously get psychically kicked in the balls in this matter. I really mean that. (. 29:12 youtu.be/M3kJtXARaxE?t=1749 Anyone with any hubris taking for granted they can intimidate or hold an audience in awe and silent authority over can seriously GFthemselves with truthful honest critiques blown straight up their a$$es from a million miles away. AND it's kind of a recurring friction between dipshits with a barroom bouncer background or any kind of petty middle management tyrant shit talking.  Anyone down playing DADDy or House Nigger like his audience is fucking children fawning after him can fuckoff. The oddest introduction to Robert Phoenix was him introducing me the Biden CornPop bullshit speech youtube.com/watch?v=oihV9yrZRHg and then reminiscing about how he was a Manager for a ghetto apartment complex in Oakland, California. You see where I'm going with White guy in position of authority over pissed off ghetto blacks? Maybe there's (just a little bit of projection of what he didn't want to be or is trying to curtail within himself?  MAYBE? ). No Robert Phoenix is nothing of a lowlife  that Joe Biden is,  but it's the Biden extreme ridiculousness of pretending we "need permission" to CRITIQUE that only invites critique harder!    UPDATE RE-EDITTED


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