re: Louis Turi Predictions or Forecasts?

  1. A true gifted astrologer must be able to offer regular proof of his predictions on radio, TV and I do regularly...

Here's the problem  I have with your "regular proof" Dr. Louis Turi.  Yeah I agree you've been spot on over a fair number of predictions, including the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center on September 11th 2001, but if you're constantly claiming you're predicting events with words that describes trends and inevitable situations given obvious circumstances, rather than absolutely specifically unique events,   its kind of like predicting a broken analog clock will always be accurate twice a day.  

You being French and all can probably agree with me that the last time Pluto went into Aquarius many filthy elite scum of the earth other were terminated (via Guillotine or Revolutionary war in America).   You and I probably have a good sense of Pluto in Aquarius.  You and I both probably can make a fair prediction that the world system of allowing a ridiculously opulant wealthy elite caste of psychopaths to be tyrants commanding masses of mindless order following minions  martial law cops who blindly enforce their insane power is crumbling and will be destroyed epic-ally come around 2024 and shortly after when Neptune & Saturn conjunct.   To what degree this revolution will happen and how?  Say whatever The  F, you want and expect people who know something about astrology to believe you're predicting anything special like whether or not Oregon’s reputation as America’s world-class Pinot Noir region  makes it better than Pinot Noir from France (which is obviously the case).    And I'm saving a bottle of 2019 Oregon Pinot Noir for 2024 & you save your best French version and we'll prove it once and for all as we both our celebrating Pluto going into Aquarius.   


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