Pedophile enabling pathology of women

This the true ESOTERIC Krampus (Great Capricorn conjunction 2020) Pathology 101
RE:  poor sweet 
innocent damsels in distress who F--- & date pedophile guys who want to rape her children:  TRIGGER WARNING HARSH TRUTH: Thank you for being honest that some women are gullible and duped and  that you are now woke up to truth.  I am not a woman and have no clue WTF makes some women never wake up to the truth of sleazy asshole fraudAlpha males.  I suppose no good male father role models?  From the receiving end of once being a boy between age 6 through 10 being a victim of gaypedophilia from mother's boyfriend setting up older stepbrothers to molest me,  I don't understand the drive to get knocked up throwing all caution to the wind so they can get their pu$$ies poked by such scum w/ their dix balls deep in them. I cannot judge deluded mindless single mother bitches who are so deluded.  Sometimes Charles Manson seems like a martyr to me when I really need Jesus Christ to help me forgive my mother.  So I cannot judge.  This story is really kind of the core sad state of affairs of why a lot of survivors of child abuse absolutely hate their parents and feel absolutely elated their 70+ year old patents will rot alone die (in lockdown frightened of COVID-19) with none of their adult children  grandchildren ( if they even have any) Along with righreous awakening about the pathology of all that deludes people to go out and fail at family planning so epically.  Sad but True.


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