Born: December 16 , 1961, 1:18 AM In: Valdosta (GA) (United States) Sun: 24°04' Sagittarius AS: 5°05' Libra Moon: 12°32' Aries MC: 5°23' Cancer Dominants: Sagittarius , Aries , Libra Moon , Venus , Mars Houses 3 , 7 , 5 / Fire , Air / Mutable Chinese Astrology: Metal Ox Numerology: Birthpath 9 Height: Bill Hicks is 6' 1" (1m85) tall Popularity : 22,627 clicks, 1,541 st man, 2,623 rd celebrity MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS ? THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE with a hardcore Sagittarius: Mercury, Sun, Mars Conjunction Sagittarius + Venus in Sagittarius! and a Capricorn Sun with Mercury in Sagittarius! MORE TO BE REVISITED or TO BE CONTINUED Other Links