I'm positively a student in Astrology and Have discovered this video
with an absolutely enthused ability to report Mercury just reversing out
of Mercury Retrograde and MOVING FORWARD in a completely powerfully
intense and LARGE New DIRECTION Conjunct the Star REGulus in the LAST
Degree of Leo. And as you know Activism of Care absolutely has all the
features of a Sun Sign Leo with his Lion Moniker intensely showing his
proud Mane. . . which is so Symbolic of it returning and standing still
and go ing forward from the point of the Solar Eclipse we had about 3
weeks ago near that Regulus Star. So we can all Absolutely tell the
NarcoCapricious brats to go away and lose their Narcissistic addictions
and predilictions their double triple quadruple bullshittting
gaslighting crap again and again and again and again. LOL I'm just
hope-ing to God Activism of Care hasn't entirely blocked me and I'm not
talking to a wall, but maybe he has considering a made too many Lion
penis references. As Steve Judd the Astrologer said. Things can get a
bit "barbed". LOL http://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/best-regulus-the-heart-of-the-lion
Yay Regulus! It’s the brightest star in
the constellation Leo the Lion, depicting the Lion’s heart. This
blue-white beauty of a star is the only 1st-magnitude star to sit almost
squarely on the ecliptic – Earth’s orbital plane projected onto the constellations of the Zodiac.
spiralcosmosart 9 months ago So did he go into senility, hiding or retirement? Why are almost all the videos of Jeffrey Wolf Green at least 10 years old? 1 Claire F. Shepard 3 months ago That s what I wish to know. There's no info about him . Very mysterious! Patience Worth 1 month ago ...
This is How these Motherfuckers treat Inquiry about their Reclusive Guru: proving my point: Commercial Astrologers are FRAUDS: The GREAT LESSON from The Jupiter in Sagittarius with Sun of 2018, considering Uranus Rx in Aries and going back into Taurus SOON ENOUGH. Bulls Shit, And Cows do to but don't brag about it. paraphrasing: "He's ill since 2004, and his daughter now took over" So tone your inquiry about our Great Cash Cow Savior with and his brand name. Keep the commercial astrology readings rolling. All I did was ask WTF happened to him? to discover whether he died or not, and they give the dry response that he retired in 2004 and his Daughter took over. Sure simple enough, but they really didn't like my sarcasm that I was beginning to think he was abducted by Aliens or had a secret Jovian Moon base waiting for the right time to re-emerge and give an Emeritus Lecture or something. ...
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