Why watch that Giano Paulo "dickhead"? Dicocco?
There are people who criticize Giano Paulo Dicocco for being predatory, mean,
resentful and vindictive to people. And maybe they're right to some
degree? So maybe David Palmer is gonna have some "Rosy Palm" and 5
sisters as a date for much of his life? SO -F-ing WHAT? I don't
know GianoPaolo's motives are for making videos (like this one)
as the armchair critic I am whose never really met Giano Paolo nor david palmer in real life. I don't know what kind of good person would wish such disappointments as these on "the leo" guy or anyone. I don't know anyone who really needs to take any pleasure discocering anyone's loss. So why watch videos like these? because as an intense student of astrology and "making astrology great again" its funny to see the little nuances and a certain amount of "appeal to ridicule" used appropriately so that I don't take anyone claiming astrology expertise too seriously and continue to do my I own damn research and astrology observations. Someone whose intent on truly learning astrology should have a personal journal of all the people whose date of births they know and look and remember patterns and synchronicities and shouldn't take ANYONE astrologer too seriously. "know thyself" is a hermetic principle that's important! And you can't do that unless you are making your own damn observations independently. The Leo king has good astrology information, but The leo king is a goofy fucker and has just a little bit of leo funny vain self aggrandizing leo aura that's worth watching as ridiculous sometimes. Yesterday I clicked on a "live feed" youtube video
that I thought MAYBE was an interactive astrology Q&A
with David Palmer and it turned out to be the Leo vanity man blabbering
and dribbling on and lecturing to his audience in a 1 way sermon.
So what? So what's my point: Purge bad astrology from your soul
wisely people so you can let the good astrology flow through you.
as the armchair critic I am whose never really met Giano Paolo nor david palmer in real life. I don't know what kind of good person would wish such disappointments as these on "the leo" guy or anyone. I don't know anyone who really needs to take any pleasure discocering anyone's loss. So why watch videos like these? because as an intense student of astrology and "making astrology great again" its funny to see the little nuances and a certain amount of "appeal to ridicule" used appropriately so that I don't take anyone claiming astrology expertise too seriously and continue to do my I own damn research and astrology observations. Someone whose intent on truly learning astrology should have a personal journal of all the people whose date of births they know and look and remember patterns and synchronicities and shouldn't take ANYONE astrologer too seriously. "know thyself" is a hermetic principle that's important! And you can't do that unless you are making your own damn observations independently. The Leo king has good astrology information, but The leo king is a goofy fucker and has just a little bit of leo funny vain self aggrandizing leo aura that's worth watching as ridiculous sometimes. Yesterday I clicked on a "live feed" youtube video
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