
Showing posts from September, 2017

"Mercury in Sagittarius" video REVISITED, Comedian Bill Hicks, and Frater "HEX"-avier

Born: December 16 , 1961, 1:18 AM In: Valdosta (GA) (United States) Sun: 24°04' Sagittarius AS: 5°05' Libra Moon: 12°32' Aries MC: 5°23' Cancer Dominants: Sagittarius , Aries , Libra Moon , Venus , Mars Houses 3 , 7 , 5 / Fire , Air / Mutable Chinese Astrology: Metal Ox Numerology: Birthpath 9 Height: Bill Hicks is 6' 1" (1m85) tall Popularity : 22,627 clicks, 1,541 st man, 2,623 rd celebrity MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS ?   THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE with a hardcore Sagittarius: Mercury, Sun, Mars Conjunction Sagittarius  + Venus in Sagittarius! and a Capricorn Sun with Mercury in Sagittarius! MORE TO BE REVISITED or TO BE CONTINUED Other Links

ReVisiting What makes a Good Astrologer

I've always discovered that no New Age Nut Guru Astrologer is worth a shit if he doesn't have a respectful sense of what the American Indians like to call the "The Center of the Earth" 

I am certain he's not a complete "dud" afterall

I am certain he's not a complete "dud" afterall but he's a tadbit on the chickenshit department telling the Death of Princess Diana orchestrated by her wicked mother in Law for what it was. Whose gonna really make Astrology Great Again?  LOL

LAST MERCURY TRANSIT OF LEO for 2017 classic classic classic

Image   Activism of Care I'm positively a student in Astrology and Have discovered this video with an absolutely enthused ability to report Mercury just reversing out of Mercury Retrograde and MOVING FORWARD in a completely powerfully intense and LARGE New DIRECTION Conjunct the Star REGulus in the LAST Degree of Leo. And as you know Activism of Care absolutely has all the features of a Sun Sign Leo with his Lion Moniker intensely showing his proud Mane. . . which is so Symbolic of it returning and standing still and go ing forward from the point of the Solar Eclipse we had about 3 weeks ago near that Regulus Star. So we can all Absolutely tell the NarcoCapricious brats to go away and lose their Narcissistic addictions and predilictions their double triple quadruple bullshittting gaslighting crap again and again and again and again. LOL I'm just hope-ing to God Activism of Care hasn't entirely blocked me and I...

its "Julija Simus" not "Juliea Seamus" and I would enjoy hearing her way of telling Santos BonerCrotchi to fuck off

its "Julija Simus" not "Juliea Seamus" and I would enjoy hearing her way of telling Santos BonerCrotchi to fuck off The Leo King's Lame apology video that GianoPaulo Dicocco really seemed to exploit and tell the world about like The Leo King is GianoPaulo's ultimate nemesis and archrival.  Talking shit about someone's personal romantic relationship going to shit, even if he has the astrology clues that its true, seems a bit cold and out of line to me.  But then again the alleged complicity of the Leo King in setting up Santos BonerCrotchy (Santos Bonacci) to push flat earth and pour gasoline on the fire is NOT clear as I have yet to find such video or interaction online nor transcript.    

Clash of British Wit and American Itallian boldness Musings LOL

Articulate and poignant Video. Evidence that whatever was meant by the famous words in the British expression "There's an individual out there having a "right dig at me" " means in their culture's funny subtle sarcastic slang or vernacular or whatever, This video and all the rivalry unfolding is making astrology fun to learn and great again. (at least from my demented perspective anyways). Still Trying not to take sides here. LOL

17th of September 1787 United States Constitution


Hurricane Alley Aquarius Astrology Lady's September Forecast before evacuating


Mercury Stationary Direct GianPaolo DicoCCO revisited

So the default spittout in my software and a lot of other Astrology Software is that GianPaolo's natal Mercurly in standard ephemeris claims Mercury doesn't exactly go Stationary Direct instead of Retrograde still until about a little over 2 hours after GianPaolo was born, but he insists SD anyways. I don't care either way.   Maybe Mercury was crawling backwards very very subtly slightly ?   not much difference

First Impressions of the Horoscope of GianPaolo DiCocco Valley Streem NY

That Perfect Conjunction of Uranus & Jupiter might explain some of his cockiness? Pluto at end of Libra conjunct Saturn at start of Scorpio Opposite Moon in the 4th has gotta bring some conflicting issues with Home and Publicity and Mommy . . . . The Grand Fire Trine  Neptune in Sagittarius 12th,  Mars conjunct Venus 8th House,  And Moon in Aries 3rd.  If Mars Conjunct Venus in the 8th isn't a sign that he can fuck any woman he wants, or will be completely jealous if he can't, with all that LEO energy with the Eclipse, and Mars in Leo this Past Month . . . totally trashing the "Leo King" in that video of his like David Palmer is his mortal enemy I don't know or WTF?   it might be a good Idea if he'd tone down the resentment a little.  The eclipse hit my own personal midheaven in Leo and given my other previous posts about the Eclipse and all I can kind relate to that madness in a sense. Ketu or South Node in Sagittarius near enough to...

WHO THE FUCK IS JULIA SEAMUS? Referencing Fictitious Person

 Julia 's name is not posted in the Leo King  videos.  There's no vid or link Or anything that seems available showing this discussion with Santos Bonacci.  Its a search for bullshit.  WHERE's the Link?  Santos Bonacci is a disinfo agent flatearther Piece of Shit worse than the LEO KING! aww Santos Bonercrockofshitli ?   he's obviously trolling the obvious rather obsessed with proctology cornhold flat earth theory here   Rai Silva TV 3 days ago Hello, I asked a question about a much discussed topic on facebook, about the flat Earth theory, although it sounds like a huge madness but I follow that topic, I'm watching the video, but I know Eric Ericard hardly ever talk about it. Congratulations on the work and attention, I greatly admire Eric dollard's person. 1 ...

Astrology youtube trolldrama Harvest Moon Mars Virgo Mercury SD in Regulus

40 years verses 6 or 7?  I have a difficult time accepting that seniority in astrology studies  equals merit in astrological forecasts / chart interpretations & predictions when everyone's perception is at least  soully 1/12 different than the other 11/12 of the population.  (soul in context of Sol or Sun Sign here). Edward Learned as a cartoon LOL  I am not taking sides about the integrity of any astrologer over others, but this has got to be the most funny boldest brazenest trolldrama publicity stunt JOB about high publicity youtube astrologers on youtube I've ever watched,  even though kind of cruel toward Leo King. Its clear to me some Astrologers are farting out their b.s. weird ideas of politics periodically  (which never really bothered me) just seemed distracting briefly .    I don't know what else needs to be said except Astrology needs to be taken with a grain of salt and without videos like the Paulo channel its...