Astrology condemned as a "pseudoscience" is a good thing, even though it doesn't have to be

 James Randi handed everyone their asses because he knew how to find the ones who are arrogant and full of enough hubris to make asses out of themselves in a public spectacle as the charlatans they were who deserved it. 

Astrology is so fucking subjective its not funny and full of a lot of risks for "confirmational bias" : 

It takes a personality that constantly takes people's claims of what they know about astrology with a big chunk of salt, including and especially one's own prejudices and bias.   


Good astrologers pay attention to astronomy and all the physics of planets and notice patterns in different personalities that are consistent with placements. 


Words can't describe recognizing the consistency of the patterns accurately.


Look it this mad grand fire trine in Randi's chart with Mercury, Sun, Venus & Neptune in Leo.  Uranus and Moon in Aries, and  Saturn in Sagittarius. He'll be showing Charlatan idiots to fuck off to their grave.


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