Local Vigilante aura of a fellow mixed white & American Indian heritage anguish
THERE'S basically 2 extreme sides to just about every Cancerian Moon or Sun or Venusian person, or heavy Cancerian placement I’ve met:
Rikki Estrada's chart is Sun Cancerian Moon Libra (if she was born in 1968)
. Its the calm before the storm.
THOUGHTS AT READING SHIT through the lens and filter of a Left Leaning Radical, a partial breed American Indian woman (probably no more than 1/2 breed, whose about as white as I am, but seems genuinely part native from what I've seen of her IRL) who just survived her home burning down. 12 days prior she was pontificating and running her opinion on the matter far away from Kenosha, Wisconsin where Kyle the 17 year old who responded in self defense was offering first aid and protection to businesses being robbed, burned, and looted. Kyle and those business had nothing to do with the Blake shooting.
12 days later the home of this 52 or 53 year old lady who wrote shit about Kyle, burnt down in Oregon from an extreme fire storm (1 of several in the West Side of the Cascades). Emotions play on people. Its good to know this woman's true colors and the kind of vicious biased attitude she has. I don't have time to re-post the videos capturing the harrowing moments where Kyle Rittenhouse was almost killed and acted in SELF DEFENSE. I never wanted to stalk Rikki nor wish her any harm, but she has done vicious gang stalking ever since the #metoo campaign of 2016 to an individual and made death threats to that certain individual based on allegations that regardless of whether they're real or imagined, sparked a lot of vigilante prejudice on that individual (an individual I don't particularly like and was never a friend of mine(Greg Thorne), but didn't witness wrong behavior as extreme as Rikki insists is true). I can't be silent about this conflict of my discernment. I kind of use to really like her and her love for American Indian heritage and don't wish her any harm, but I have to draw a line. Her politics are a bit different than mine. I am not a die hard Trump supporter, but was convinced Hillary Clinton absolutely needed to go in 2016 and did what I had to prevent John Mccain from screwing these people 's http://apache-stronghold.com/ land which hasn't been touched yet during the entire Trump Administration.
TRUTH BE TOLD, KYLE'S MOM IS A WARRIOR AND RIKKI ESTRADA is totally projecting her own insecurities (as a misandrist feminist gungrabbing karen typically does on the far radical left)
QUOTE: Rikki Black Eagle Estrada
August 27 at 4:12 PM ·
" This
is the mother of that 17-year-old child that shot people in
Kenosha Wisconsin a couple days ago. Two dead and one severely injured.
So let's recap. A few days ago there was a black man shot seven times
in the back by police in Kenosha Wisconsin.. In front of the victim's
This caused outrage. Which sparked rioting in the streets. Lots of destruction but no deaths.
Then this mother drove her 17-year-old son, from out of state, along
with his gun to Kenosha. Where this child started shooting people.
Although witnesses and protesters identified the shooter. Even after he
shot people and was walking around, the police still refused to arrest
The police didn't even go the next day to arrest him. The kid turned himself in. Most likely for protection.
So apparently the nut doesn't fall far from the tree " UNQUOTE"
TRUTH BE TOLD, KYLE'S MOM IS A WARRIOR AND RIKKI ESTRADA is totally projecting her own insecurities
AS FAR AS I KNOW her VIGILANTE attitude has not extended to me, but if
something bad happens to me near this location in dispute, there's a
slight chance this paranoia campaign has reached false accusations
toward me. I'm only posting a transcript of this here for reference
should something bad happen to me. Little does she know if the
allegations toward the individual she talks about are as true as they
are I'm on her same team. If only she knew the twisted PTSD of my
mother's American Indian heritage!
I facebook messaged Rikki in 2017 tried to console her about similar
issues I've had as a fellow mixed heritage of American Indian Heritage.
This lady is not someone I ever wanted to be enemies with. And I'm
certainly not some friend with the individual she hates.
"I'm tired of standing and putting my neck out. I'm tired of the death
threats. Mr. GREG THORNE you can't fucking touch me. You're exposed. I
want you off this mountain. My friend Maria MoonDance who started that
name is dying of cancer. And she's going to be in those springs when its
beautiful again with your fucking nasty ass out of there if its my
dying breath! You will be off this fucking Mountain. We idle no more.
We will not allow this to go on our land in our sacred water. I will not give up until the tweakers and you Mr. ***** are either in Prison or taken to the Mountain and taught to stay. I don't give a fuck. Get the FUCK Out of here. How Me Tak Oasin (Lakota for "All My relations)"
- Rikki Estrada Black Eagle's video Summer 2016
About an individual she alleges is a Pervert paparazzi / candid camera /covert photographer videographer of little children bathing. The worst I witnessed of that individual she makes such accusations of ever doing is propositioning adult women for consensual foot massages, which many consensually agreed to consensually, escalating into more consensual Watsu massages. (nothing sexual)
I've also seen his little digital camcorder video camera turned off & laying toaside of a lower pool once by the Springs way back in 2011. He had that there when there was no one else. Was that an innocent thing after some consenting photography with someone or of inanimate object photography?. I don't know. He was alone there at the time. Whether he was simply doing his own private photography or was up to no good is anyone's guess.
I have not seen nor witnessed such individual since then other than his online content. I never really appreciated nor understood why an old little chubby unathletic short man in his late 50's, who seems to have retired relatively early in life as either as a trustfund brat or a fucking lucky little 1990's bubble techfield bandit, with obvious means and wealth (Owning his own house and with either a little modern Mercedes or Porsche to drive up and down the road from Blue River) would want to play resident tour guide there, why he is always reporting information of this place in dispute (the local conditions, amount of people) when he's not even an employee of the people hired to manage the place. Of all the places he can afford to live near and find compatible people to socialize with, why would he frequent there?
I don't know, but with the kind of adult consenting women agreeing willfully taking Watsu massage from him, it only goes to show FIAT sugar daddy cock (even the tiny limp kind) gets return on its investment.
THE BEST THING EVER TOLD TO GREG. This place shouldn't be a tourist site for photography 2019
He is now forbidden by the managers of such place of business (which I totally agree he deserves to be forbidden) from recording pictures and video content of people and posting them on social media.
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