U.G. Krishnamurti







 U.G. Krishnamurti born on 9 July https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?wgid=wgeJxNTssKwjAQ_Bpva8mm9GXYgyCUKnoTz6sNTbAppUkp_XuTm5eZwzw3-7Uk1eCIUU093RbrzcRuXYKFZ9Zm4KCBCrDBGkR5Qgmm0LmAgT0IuPPH2NHOHGIGuselO0ONWtSA5YQCVpBFlSdAEIr7d7RpSr0HKf63ktZz0NRE4bqOe6S0qd5hn-NBFwxx2JTxOx1RLZ7w1f4AK945iQ




"I have no teaching. There is nothing to preserve. Teaching implies something that can be used to bring about change. Sorry, there is no teaching here, just disjointed, disconnected sentences. What is there is only your interpretation, nothing else. For this reason there is not now nor will there ever be any kind of copyright for whatever I am saying. I have no claims.[23]

I am forced by the nature of your listening to always negate the first statement with another statement. Then the second statement is negated by a third and so on. My aim is not some comfy dialectical thesis but the total negation of everything that can be expressed.[23]"



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