Zen Master Dogen vs. King Solomon's Magick Introduction Comparison of "Demon" Management

Zen Master Dogen vs. King Solomon's Magick Introduction Comparison of "Demon" Management

Published on Mar 30, 2017
Excerpts from these Videos:

Zen Master Dogen Vs. King Solmon's Magick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s5Uz...

Are Demons Your Friends? by youtube user mindandmagick

Poke Runyon - The Magick Of Solomon

King Solomon - Mysteries of the Bible

The subject is how to relieve one's self from vengeful ghosts, restless rebellious spirits, or demons. I can't say 1 style of spirituality is better than the other, but there's something about owning up to one's own "demons" as an internal part of one's existence whereas Poke Runyon & Frater Xaier and their founder King Solomon doesn't seem to do that. Their spirituality is to distinguish (Angels from Demons) for 72 degree increment along the ecliptic. The hermetic axiom (as below, above, within, without) etc. Who made up these names for parts of the ecliptic on that Poke Runyon Mandela? As far as I know its ancient Hebrew names from King Solomon's hermetic science. These are 72 5 degree increments along the Tropical Astrology Ecliptic (the path of the Sun across the sky as seen from the Earth) but the history of King Solomon was that his entire temple was demolished and the Jews went into exile and have always had some weird disgusting traditions, many schisms, and stigmas as an ethnic religious minority ever since. How serious is the Layman not privy to these Solomon-ic ceremonial magick techniques suppose to take it if their own inventor, King Solomon, was a fuckup all along with all the free mason mother fuckers & certain sects of Judaism still ruining the entire planet? Who decided which names are sacred and which are profane? Are their semantical puns and etymology in the Hebrew / ancient Aramaic or Arabic language or numerology that is so crucial and vital to give these 5 degree increments fucking mythological fairy tales for the angels and horror stories for the demons? I'd just as soon go by the 108 increments of 27 Nakhshatras and 4 padas in Vedic Astrology, except profanely call them all NUTSACK BRAS if it means I don't have have to risk being possessed by the flawed Abrahamic human and child sacrificing demonic deity that is inherent in a lot Abrahamic traditions. "control", "control", "control" .. . . etc. Whereas Zen Buddhism seems to about owning up to the impulsive destructive nature of your own existence instead of externalizing it all the time on to others.

The real crux of this video and question I am asking is: Who made up these names for parts of the ecliptic on that Poke Runyon Mandela? As far as I know its ancient Hebrew names from King Solomon's hermetic science, but the history of King Solomon was that his entire temple was demolished and the Jews went into exile and have always had some weird disgusting traditions and stigmas ever since. How serious is the Layman not privy to your ceremonial magick techniques you teach and practice suppose to take it if their own inventor, King Solomon, was a fuckup along with all the free mason mother fuckers ruining the entire planet? Who decided which names are sacred and which are profane? Are their semantical puns and etymology in the Hebrew / ancient Aramaic or Arabic language or numerology that is so crucial and vital to give these 5 degree increments fucking mythological fairy tales for the angels and horror stories for the demons? I'd just as soon go by the 108 increments of 27 Nakhshatras and 4 padas, except profanely call them all NUTSACK BRAS if it means I don't have have to risk being possessed by the flawed Abrahamic human and child sacrificing demonic deity that is inherent in a lot Abrahamic traditions. 


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