Never DisRespect a Cancer-ian's Great Work. Kind of funny when they feel a bit insulted, unless you're doing the insulting.

(Slightly re-edited for Grammar 01-29-17) 
Never Dis-Respect a Cancer-ian's Great Work.  


Kind of funny when Cancer- ians feel a bit insulted, unless you're doing the insulting and they hand your ass over to you for it.

If only I could  find that clip where Hunter S. Thompson from the movie"Breakfast with Hunter" where Hunter S. Thompson was freaking out over his great work being proposed to be made into a Cartoon by Alex Cox as they were negotiating the film "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1998"

and show that clip to Steve Judd and witness Steve's reaction (given the full context of Hunter's meltdown).  Maybe then Steve Judd would  finally know  what an honorary American Gun Toting radical he is at heart?  Especially considering he describes America as Cancer-ian for the 4th of July Declaration of Independence 1776.    

Steve is an honorary American Gun Toting radical at heart! He loves our country and knows its Cancer-ian principles! America can be Open loving and nurturing to immigrants "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses etc.. . .", That is until the immigrants and diverse ethnic groups overstay their welcome , then . . . watch out! That's totally a Cancer trait!



  2. Steve is an honorary American Gun Toting radical at heart! He loves our country and knows its Cancer-ian principles! America can be Open loving and nurturing to immigrants "Give me
    your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses , until they overstay their welcome, then . . . watch out! That's totally a Cancer trait!


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